Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Spanish I-last day of stem changing verb practice-quiz tomorrow!
Spanish II-today we went over Monday's comparative handout and started watching the projects!
Spanish III-listening practice-test Friday on chapter 4
Spanish IV-Eva Peron

Monday, March 17, 2014


Spanish I-continue practicing stem changing verbs-quiz Thursday
Spanish II-practice the comparatives and vocabulary-2 handouts; projects are due on Wednesday!
Spanish III-finish stories
Spanish IV-senior presentations

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Spanish I-notebook check today; Friday vocab 4A quiz; continue to practice all stem-changing verbs (the quiz is next Thursday)

Spanish II-hw-superlative handout, front and back; notes 11B
superlative quiz-Friday
notebook check-Monday
projects due-Wednesday

Spanish III-continue work on stories; 4B quiz tomorrow

Spanish IV-

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Spanish I-notebook check tomorrow; today we practiced with our stem changing verbs; vocab 4A quiz on Friday
Spanish II-today we learned the "irregulars" when using the superlative; finish the handout for homework; notebook check on Monday
Spanish III-today was our first day of writing our stories; Thursday is the vocabulary quiz
Spanish IV-senior presentations-no class

Monday, March 10, 2014


Spanish I. Notebook check Wednesday. Vocabulary quiz Friday. Tonight, stem changer handout.
Spanish II. Projects are due the 19! Tomorrow is the vocabulary quiz. Make sure you are settled with the superlative!
Spanish III. Today we did the writing activities. Quiz 4b on Thursday.
Spanish IV. Today we read a Spanish poem and two different translations of it.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Spanish I-today we learned boot verbs and we practiced with them; no homework; notebook check Wednesday; vocab 4A quiz next Friday
Spanish II-continued practice with the superlative and vocabulary; quiz 11A is Tuesday
Spanish III-If your VoiceThread work was not taken care of for today, complete it ASAP; today we completed the speaking activities for vocabulary 4B (quiz is next Thursday)
Spanish IV-chapter 8 test

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Junior VoiceThreads

Post the link to your VoiceThread below

Make sure that you have...

1. Uploaded your account photo
2. Uploaded 5-7 pictures
3. Written a comment on your first slide
4. Selected the buttons to allow anyone to view and comment

Remember, I need approve the comments, so yours won't appear until I have done so