Thursday, August 18, 2011


If you are interested in getting a dictionary, I really like the Larousse Consise Dictionary. You could also check with Otto's Bookstore.

I like this dictionary because it gives more usage options than a "pocket dictionary", but those are also okay. Google translator is pretty good for a couple of words but should only be used as a dictionary, not for phrases and sentences.

August update!

So! School starts in less than 2 weeks! Are you ready? Don't you just hate that question that EVERYONE asks at the end of the summer?

I went into school once this week and put a few things out in the classroom. The dictionaries are all ready for your inquisitive minds:)

I am looking forward to seeing all of you!! Yes, ALL of you! haha And I guess I will be meeting a whole slew of new freshman. Start thinking of what Spanish name you want!

Fill the rest of your summer with fun (and work, if you need to do any!!), but don't waste it!!!
