Monday, December 16, 2013


Spanish I-official notes on conjugating regular -AR verbs-complete the back, left column in class and the crossword for homework
Spanish II-continue working in the packet parts E through part C #4
Spanish III-Christmas character tweets today and tomorrow
Spanish IV-

Day 3- laboratorio de computadoras
1.      Find the Spanish name for any products you don’t already know
2.      Record the given prices in pesos for each item.
3.      Google “currency converter” and find out the prices in dollars, pesos ($) and euros (€).

Friday, December 13, 2013


Spanish I-present work from the week-Wednesday is the quiz on AR verbs and using them in 1st, 2nd, 3rd person
Spanish II-continue work in packet through part D; quiz Wednesday on vocabulary 9B
Spanish III-go over test
Spanish IV-continue work on flyers-create slogans for your page as well as a few additional descriptions of the 10 items for your page

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Spanish I-group work...continued!
Spanish II-9B notes; p. 533 #2; handout 9.3/9.4
Spanish III-review for chapter 2/reflexive test
Spanish IV-survey p. 230-graph due tomorrow; shopping flyers due Friday

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Spanish I-discovery learning in class activities for working with -AR verbs---Tuesday through Thursday

Spanish II-period 2-begin chapter 9B (see yesterday's assignment); period 5-review activity for hace que quiz tomorrow

Spanish III-chapter review

Spanish IV-possessive adjective and pronoun practice

Monday, December 9, 2013


Spanish I-continue to practice your list of regular -AR verbs
Spanish II-quizzes on vocabulary 9A part II this week, as well as hace que; vocabulary work for 9B is due Thursday-handout 9.3/9.4, p. 533 #2 as well as 9B notes
Spanish III-finish the reflexives/commands board game
Spanish IV-possessive adj. and pronouns