Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sept 25-Sept 28

Spanish I-

p. 19 #7-10A-writing activities

p. 507 #2 write out

handout P9

Spanish II-p. 1 and 2 of -ar, -er, -ir verb practice in the preterite

Spanish III-negative commands notes and handout activities 4,5,6

Spanish IV- subjunctive review; subjunctive notes-wishes/hopes/desires; 2 handouts

Spanish I-classroom activity to practice all chapter vocabulary; test next Thursday
Spanish II-p. 3 and 4 of yesterday's packet
Spanish III-negative commands notes-verbs that end in gar, zar and car as well as the irregulars; homework-translation
Spanish IV-back of yesterday's handout; stem changers practice; mini poster using subjunctive

Spanish I-quiz on days/months; verbal practice asking/answer chapter vocabulary

Spanish II-

Write short dialogues

Something  that happened while on vacation

Use the preterite at least 7 times

Can have a narrator and then people reading dialogue

*remind them about the forms of ir

seven lines/person


Present on Monday

Spanish III-create posters using the affirmative and negative command

Spanish IV-continue vocab and subjunctive practice

Monday, September 23, 2013


Spanish I-practice with months and days
Spanish II-preterite of ER and IR verbs---complete the notes and complete the handouts from today
Spanish III-notes and practice on negative commands
Spanish IV-subjunctive overview and formation

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Spanish I-numbers quiz; p. 17 notes; translation handout; look at Spanish language TV show websites

Spanish II-preterite packet p. 4; quiz tomorrow on the -AR verbs in the preterite--be sure you know the verbs in this chapter than end in -AR!

Spanish III-La Catrina

Spanish IV-La Catrina

9-19-13 and 9-20-13

Spanish I-learn days of the week and months of year-put in notes; quiz Monday on numbers 0-39; homework-handout on #s/days/months

Spanish II-notes and practice on the preterite of regular -AR verbs-see handouts; homework-packet p. 2

Spanish III-handout-front verbal, back exercies 6,7,1

Spanish IV-quiz; finish yesterday's work; translate Roberto Clemente p. 184

Spanish I-handout to practice; sing Uno de Enero; numbers quiz Monday

Spanish II-complete preterite packet p. 3

Spanish III-fill out first section of handout that is an organizer for the commands information; verbal practice with commands/pronouns

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Spanish I-numbers practice; homework-numbers sheet
Spanish II-quiz on personal a; countries activity p. 241
Spanish III-commands quiz; practice with direct and indirect object pronouns and commands-see handout
Spanish IV-begin 5B vocabulary; speaking activities; writing activities; quiz tomorrow; story due tomorrow, see yesterday

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Spanish I-quiz today; write numbers 0-39 in notes; numbers practice for homework
Spanish II-personal a quiz tomorrow; grammar practice in class-see handout
Spanish III-review for quiz tomorrow on commands and vocab 1B
Spanish IV-describe pictures of classmates from when they were little using the imperfect; for Thursday write a 12 sentence story about when you were little

Monday, September 16, 2013


Spanish I-finish Friday's handouts; quiz tomorrow on p. 13 vocabulary as well as making nouns plural and the 4 ways to say "the" Spanish II-notes on pensar + infinitive; practice that with menos mal que; quiz Wednesday on grammar Spanish III-review Friday's work; verbal practice with commands; quiz Wednesday on commands and vocabulary Spanish IV-finish Friday's work; finish La Catrina episode 3

Friday, September 13, 2013


Spanish I-review yesterday's work-see handout from today for practice-evens only; vocabulary practice (crossword); quiz Tuesday on nouns, article and vocabulary from p. 13 Spanish II-finish personal A packet pages 3 and 5; quliz Wednesday on grammar; today was the 7B quiz; extra credit due Monday Spanish III-bizarro world handout to practice commands Spanish IV-review yesterday's work and complete part one from handout 5-9 to practice the imperfect tense

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Spanish I-no homework...learn definite articles and gender/number of nouns
Spanish II-personal a-continued work in packet and review for vocabulary quiz 7B tomorrow
Spanish III-finish yesterday's work; learn affirmative tu commands; homework-crossword
Spanish IV-write about TV show that you watched when you were younger-see handout for instructions

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Spanish I-take notes from p. 13; complete verbal exercises p. 15; homework--handout P3 and p. 506 exercise at bottom of page

Spanish II-personal A notes and practice-handout p. 2

Spanish III-p. 37 questions-in class; no homework

Spanish IV-imperfect review; speaking practice; hw p. 541-542

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Spanish I-alphabet verbal quiz today. We completed yesterday's work. Homework: continue studying spelling of vocabulary.
Spanish II-Vocabulary 7B quiz on Friday. Weather posters due tomorrow. Today we practiced the vocabulary via crossword.
Spanish III-vocabulary 1B practice/handouts
Spanish IV-check verb work; homework read p. 172 and summarize in 3-5 sentences